Welcome to our News page. At Cranmore, we have premium stud merino and poll merino rams and ewes for sale either privately or at our annual on-property sale.
For further information take at look at our rams, contact us on the numbers below, or fill in our form.
Come back regularly to see the latest in trends, information, results and research at Cranmore.
For further information take at look at our rams, contact us on the numbers below, or fill in our form.
Come back regularly to see the latest in trends, information, results and research at Cranmore.
Contact Us
Cranmore Farming Partnership
(formerly Boolardy Pastoral Co.)
Located at:
631 Cranmore Road, Bindi-Bindi, WA 6574
Mailing Address:
RSM 427 Moora WA 6510
Mr Kristin Lefroy
Mob: 0418 925 760
Email: kristinlefroy@cranmore.com.au
Conducting Agents
Nutrien Moora
Craig Williamson
Mob: 0429 813 988
Location map of Cranmore
Cranmore Park, Moora, Western Australia